Tree of Life with Smokey Quartz with Aventurine Wire Wrap

Tree of Life with Smokey Quartz with Aventurine Wire Wrap


This is a beautiful one of a kind piece made with Smokey quartz point and Aventurine. Smoky Quartz helps one ground themselves to Earth, in addition to opening up the root chakra and solar plexus. It’s the perfect stone for people who constantly find themselves with a wandering mind and an inability to focus. This stone is here to assist in not only clearing your mind but to allow you to be more level headed. Smoky Quartz can also help you find the drive and determination that sometimes feels lost in our daily lives. These personal tools can assist you to bring your dreams, wants, and desires into reality. By putting your own needs first, this stone can become one of the strongest manifestation tools in your arsenal. It has remarkable transformation strength that can help push one into a new life direction if they’re unhappy with the status quo. We recommend carrying a piece or speaking to it daily to let the universe hear the path in which you want to Green aventurine is often referred to as the “gambler’s stone.” As a lucky totem, it tends to harmonize us to positive outcomes and opportunities; helping us expand our sense of what is possible. Given green aventurine is such an optimistic crystal, it is the perfect stone to carry with you to a job interview, first date, or important meeting.
You want to manifest in a romantic relationship.

If you want more love in your life, you have to create the space for it. In order to manifest a new relationship, you must first release your old ones; specifically, any blocked energy or leftover resentments you may still be harboring from the past. Green aventurine declutters the energy field, especially around the heart chakra. This is why it is a wonderful stone for attracting romance. It assists us in healing old emotional wounds while simultaneously opening us up to receive more love.
You’re feeling unstable or ungrounded.

Green aventurine is a crystal for grounding and stability. If you have a tendency to overthink or ruminate over situations and get stuck in your mind, green aventurine will help bring you back to your physical body and your connection to the Earth. It is also a great crystal if you’re suffering from digital burnout as a result of spending way too much time on your phone, tablet, or other device.
Each piece is hand wrapped by the Artist in real copper. Each piece is strung on Faux Leather with a Tibetan Bead to make length adjustable. Each piece is a one of a kind , made with intentions in scared space so shape and size may vary and crystals that are strung on piece are chosen according to individual energy.

TREE OF LIFE with Aventurine and Smokey Quartz Point

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