Triple Moon Goddess Amulet

Triple Moon Goddess Amulet


Triple Moon Goddess Amulet

This is an image of the goddess Artemis. She is also the goddess of the three moons, known as the Moon in Heaven; Artemis on Earth; and Hecate in the underworld. Her strong connection with the moon and corresponding lunar cycles makes Artemis the goddess of female secrets.

She also has a strong solar bond because she is the twin sister of the sun god Apollo. This partly explains its extremely independent and self-sufficient nature. This balance of sun and moon, as well as masculine and feminine energies, supports Artemis as the representation of a goddess on earth. As the goddess of the hunt, Artemis uses her “lunar vision” the ability to clearly see the misty and muted desert.

The women who follow Artemis develop their own “lunar vision” that can manifest in vivid dreams, allowing an enlightened journey inward!

Each piece is hand sculpted by the warmth of the artist hands, magic and protection, which makes each piece unique yet equally as magical. Each piece has a detachable Amulet made different for each piece using Volcanic Lava Beads, Rudraksha Beads, turquoise, Howlite, Sandalwood. A’ho!

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